The leading Groundhog Day data source

Alternative groundhogs

There are 51 non-traditional prognosticators. Alternative ‘groundhogs’ include: other species, taxidermied groundhogs, plush stuffed animals, folks in costume (think sports mascots).

It turns out that ‘Groundhog’ is more like a job title and less about literally being a Marmota monax.

Use the Groundhog Map to locate your fave alt-hog.

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Alternative groundhogs

Name Type Country Latest prediction Total predictions
Octoraro Orphie Taxidermied groundhog USA 🌼 93
Concord Charlie Presumed groundhog USA 🌼 47
Lander Lil Statue of a prairie dog USA 🌼 28
Manitoba Merv Groundhog golf club cover Canada 🌼 28
Mojave Max Desert tortoise USA 25
Schnogadahl Sammi Taxidermied groundhog USA ❄️ 24
Poor Richard Taxidermied groundhog USA ❄️ 23
Balzac Billy Person in a gopher suit Canada 🌼 21
Uni the Groundhog Taxidermied groundhog USA ❄️ 21
Grover and Sue Taxidermied groundhogs USA 🌼 19
Stormy Marmot Plush yellow-bellied marmot USA ❄️ 18
Flatiron Freddy Taxidermied yellow-bellied marmot USA ❄️ 16
Bee Cave Bob Armadillo USA 🌼 15
Chilly Charlie Person in a groundhog suit Canada 🌼 15
Middlemiss Mike Plush prairie dog Canada 🌼 15
Snohomish Slew Bullfrog USA 14
Beardsley Bart Prairie dog USA 🌼 14
Potomac Phil Taxidermied groundhog USA ❄️ 14
Sand Mountain Sam Opossum USA 🌼 14
Bowman Bill Groundhog puppet USA ❄️ 13
Dover Doug Person in a groundhog suit USA ❄️ 13
Fenwick Flossie Person in a groundhog suit Canada 🌼 13
Mount Joy Minnie Plush groundhog USA ❄️ 13
Patty Pagoda Person in a groundhog suit USA ❄️ 12
Polk County Paula Person in a groundhog suit USA 🌼 12
Scramble the Duck Pekin duck USA 🌼 11
Tinicum Tim Groundhog puppet USA ❄️ 11
Wildwood Willie Taxidermied groundhog USA 🌼 11
Benny the Bass Largemouth bass USA 🌼 10
Boise Bill Plush prairie dog USA 10
Harleysville Hank Plush groundhog USA 🌼 10
Big Al Alligator USA ❄️ 9
Snowy the Prairie Dog Prairie dog USA 9
Van Island Violet Vancouver Island marmot Canada ❄️ 9
Chuck Wood Animatronic groundhog USA 🌼 8
Concord Casimir Cat USA ❄️ 8
Athene the Burrowing Owl Person in an owl suit USA 🌼 7
Cluxatawney Henrietta Ameraucana chicken USA ❄️ 7
Lucy the Lobster Atlantic lobster Canada ❄️ 7
Mount Gretna Grady Plush groundhog USA ❄️ 7
Stumptown Fil Beaver USA ❄️ 6
Sylvia the Apex Armadillo Armadillo USA 🌼 5
MT Parker Plush groundhog USA ❄️ 5
Birmingham Jill Opossum USA 🌼 4
Okanagan Okie Person in yellow-bellied marmot suit Canada ❄️ 4
Queen City Charlie Person in a groundhog suit USA 🌼 4
Unadilla Billie Taxidermied groundhog USA 🌼 4
Pisgah Penny White tree squirrel USA 3
Walnut the Hedgehog Hedgehog USA ❄️ 3
Pisgah Piper White tree squirrel USA 🌼 1
Snack Town Steve Gray squirrel USA 🌼 1

If you don’t see your favourite prognosticator, feel free to add a groundhog .