The leading Groundhog Day data source

Boise Bill

About Bill

Boise Bill is a plush prairie dog from Boise, Idaho. For many years, Bill was a staple in predicting the weather in Boise, however, he is still on a several-year sabbatical. Here is his statement: “Honestly, it’s a lot of stress having the whole world depend on you to predict the weather and I needed to take a break. I’ve really been enjoying my time out of the spotlight and have been focusing on Zoo Boise’s Conservation Fund. I have a beautiful corner office in my burrow and spend most of my day helping zoo staff come up with innovative ways to raise money to help protects animals all over the world.”

Boise Bill
Boise Bill
Bill is a Plush prairie dog
Resided in
Boise, Idaho, USA

Email Bill at

Past predictions

Year Saw shadow? Prediction
2023 No prediction. No prediction.
2022 No prediction. No prediction.
2021 No prediction. No prediction.
2020 No prediction. No prediction.
2019 No prediction. No prediction.

All 10 predictions