The leading Groundhog Day data source

Pisgah Penny

About Penny

Pisgah Penny is a white Tree Squirrel who makes an annual prediction for “White Squirrel Day” in Brevard, North Carolina. White Squirrel Day is similar in many respects to Groundhog Day, the primary difference being the substitution of a groudhog for a squirrel. Penny’s predictions are based on what side of her display cage she moves to, one side signifying early spring and the other six more weeks winter. Brevard Mayor Maureen Copelof says “Pisgah Penny has established herself as a beloved and valued member of this community who openly asserts her love for Brevard,” while “Punxsutawney Phil has established himself as, let’s be honest, an ill tempered, unreliable predictor.”

Pisgah Penny
Pisgah Penny
Penny is a White tree squirrel
Resided in
Brevard, North Carolina, USA

Get in touch with Penny at

Past predictions

Year Saw shadow? Prediction
2024 Yes, saw shadow More winter
2023 Yes, saw shadow More winter
2022 Nope, no shadow Early spring

All 3 predictions