The leading Groundhog Day data source

Groundhog Day 2026

In 2026, Groundhog Day will be on Monday, February 2nd.

Groundhog Day 2026 is 352 days away, so use the Groundhog Map to find your closest groundhog before the big day! Most of them livestream their predictions online, and some even host a pancake breakfast for early risers who make it out in person.

According to tradition, if a groundhog sees its shadow on February 2nd, it means six more weeks of winter. No shadow means an early spring. Read more about the history of Groundhog Day.

Unfortunately, Groundhog Day is not a statutory holiday in Canada or the USA.

This year: Groundhog Day 2025

In 2025, most groundhogs predicted an early spring. Check out 2025’s detailed results to see who got it right or wrong. (Whether they were right or not depends on where you live.) Or go back even further and see past predictions for all years.